
News, Commentary and General Information

Africa Review – Nation Media Group

Africa South of the Sahara (Stanford University)
Comprehensive list of Africa-related links

African Arguments Online
Critical perspectives on regional affairs, politics, business
Compilation of news sources from across the continent

BBC News/Africa

The Economist – Baobab Africa

Guardian World News – Africa

Inter Press Service – Africa

Mail & Guardian, South Africa

Think Africa Press
Analysis and commentary

United Nations, Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN)
News and analysis on areas of conflict


Research and Data

African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)

Afrobarometer Home Page
Survey research site, extensive analysis of politics and reform

Center for Global Development
Research and policy analysis, special focus on aid and reform

Centre for the Study of African Economies, Oxford University
A leading source for economic research in the region

Cornell University, Institute for African Development (IAD)

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)

Global Financial Integrity
Tracking illicit financial flows

Harvard University, Africa Research Program

Institute for Empirical Research in Political Economy, Benin

Institute for Security Studies, South Africa

International Food Policy Research Institute

United States Institute of Peace

University of Cape Town-Centre for Social Science Research
Inequality, poverty, HIV/AIDS and public attitudes

University of Sussex- Institute of Development Studies. (Brighton, U.K.)

V-Dem: Varieties of Democracy Project
New indicators from a consortium of researchers

The World Bank
Data, economic policy analysis, perspectives on governance



Africa is a Country
Critical analysis on culture, politics, society

Africa in Transition
John Campbell, Council on foreign Relations

An Africanist Perspective
Ken Opalo, Stanford University

Oxford University

Focus on the Horn
Horn of Africa

Global Voices: Sub-Saharan Africa
Civil Society and Social Media

Guardian Africa Network

How We Made It in Africa
Business, entrepreneurship

Rachel Strohm
UC Berkeley

Timbuktu Chronicles
Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship

Voices of Africa


African Studies Centers and Organizations

African Studies Association Home Page
The central African studies organization in the U.S.

AEGIS – African Studies in Europe
European African Studies organization

African Studies WWW (U. Penn)
Especially useful site with a wide range of links and information

African Studies Center, Leiden, Netherlands

African Studies at UCLA

Northwestern University Program of African Studies

Nordiska Afrikainstitutet/Nordic Africa Institute

Royal African Society
Leading institute on African affairs in the UK

University of California, Berkeley, Center for African Studies

University of Florida, African Studies Program

West Africa Research Association


Policy and Advocacy

Africa Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Chatham House, Africa Programme

Council on Foreign Relations

The Enough Project, the project to end genocide and crimes against humanity

Ghana Center for Democratic Development

Human Rights Watch – Africa

International Crisis Group
Authoritative analysis and advocacy on conflict

Institute for Policy Studies

Civil society and participation

Focus on sustainable development

Revenue Watch Institute
Management & transparency of natural resource revenues

South African Civil Society Information Service

South African Institute of International Affairs

Sokwanele, Zimbabwe Constitution Resources


African Studies Resources by Region and Country

Central Africa

Southern Africa

East Africa/ Horn of Africa

Indian Ocean

West Africa

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